Hollycopter Design

This is just my little blog to share what I find on the net, my work, and my thoughts!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Yayyyy I finally have a camera! A brand new beautiful Canon that is way better than my Samsung 3 megapixel piece of crap I've had since the beginning of time. Now I get to post a butt load of pictures of the stuff I've been up to! Not like anyone reads this anyway...sigh...on to pictures!

I'm pretty new to sewing, so the idea of going to a fabric store with those large spools of cloth and asking some old lady to cut it for me (which by the way those ladies are always really hard to find when you need them) scares me, so I always stick to the scrap bins. AMAZING! If you haven't discovered this treasure trove yet, you need to. They basically have scrap fabric for sale and it's great for me because its like a dollar for half a yard which is great for me to make like 5 pouches from, or at least something really cool. I spent WAY too much money on this sweet fabric at Hobby Lobby, I love the Care Bears! I can't wait to get sewing with this stuff.

This summer I told myself I would give screen-printing a go cause it looks so freaking awesome. Problem is, I'm poor and a screen-printing kit is like $60. Boo. So I found this tutorial online to screen print using Modge Podge instead of Photo Emulsion. DEF cheaper, though the screen itself is like 30 bucks which is a little excessive for a freaking screen and wooden frame, come on now. I wanted to go the route of a plastic embroidery frame but I couldn't find screen anywhere. Anyway, this is my first attempt at screen printing, it's a little muffin! I think he's pretty darn cute myself, a nice first try I would venture.

Ok, so I've become a little obsessed with pouches. I scoured the internet for tutorials and after much dismay found this tutorial to be immensely helpful and very well done. So I've pretty much been going crazy with these things. The white and red one is actually made out of a melted white garbage bag. There are tons of tutorials on how to fuse plastic bags with irons online, it's very environmental, you know.

That's pretty much it for my pics for now I reckon, definitely more to come. I think I'm going to start making tutorials just for fun, since I sometimes have a really hard time finding them myself. Hopefully by the time I have a lot of them people will actually be reading this, yay!


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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

zipper pouch and plush

Hello all! If anyone even reads this that is. It's been a while, so I'll catch everyone up.

I've started to intern at HC&B Healthcare Communications which is an advertising company specifically for healthcare. It's paid (woo!) and I go two days a week from 8:30 to 5:30 so I feel like I'm actually working a full-time job! It's very exciting.

I'm also working with a company to teach water safety at the lake to the partiers, so that will be cool. I start that this Saturday.

In crafty news I got a sewing machine and have got to really use it lately! I broke my camera a long time ago (poop), but I wanted to update this so I just used the webcam on my laptop to take crappy pics, haha. I've recently become really obsessed with zipper pouches, and my first one was shaped like an oldschool gameboy, I think it's the cutest thing in the world!

It's made of gray, black and lime green felt with the lime green cotton cloth for the lining. The zipper is 7 inches so it's big enough to hold a bunch of crap. I want to make more eventually, and when I get enough stuff to have an etsy store I'll put it in there.

I made this bear a while back and it was around my sister's birthday and she saw and it and was like "OOO can I have it?", so that was her birthday present. I forget what she named it, she think its like an alien but it was supposed to be a bear...oh well.

It's made out of some fabric...I don't know what it is really. It's kinda thick canvas-ish...anyway, and maroon felt with button eyes. I still have some of that fabric left, I might make a pouch with it. That's all I got for now, I'm saving up for a camera so hopefully I'll get one soon and make lots of new plushies/pouches to photograph. Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!

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